Miracles happen! Happy New Year’s Eve…

2019 has been a tough year. I feel like this mountain climber, I’ve had to stay strong, hang on for a few years… or… FALL to my doom.

Good news – I hung on. FINALLY, right before Christmas, I was offered a great job. I had a Christmas miracle. I am extremely grateful.

It’s been a tough few years of job hunting. We’ve all been there, if not with a job transition, with some other part of our life that isn’t going as we would like. It’s not easy, it’s tough, like the mountain climber, there are sad and scary moments, then moments of triumph, but through it all we become stronger — WE WANT TO REACH THE TOP.

There is always that ray of hope, if we continue to fight, to believe in ourselves that we will once again be on top!

So, I am here to say, my VICTORY happened!

Stick with it, if you are waiting for a victory or break through — IT IS COMING!

On to NEW goals for 2020!

It’s time to try and reach even higher (my children’s book, need to dust that off and start working on it again!)

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2019: If one wish could be granted…

I’m excited to start a new year. Each year, we all wonder what lies ahead of us. Would be great if we had a crystal ball to give us direction, but we don’t.

Which made me think, as we set our goals for 2019….

What if we had ONE WISH that could be granted each year, WHAT would that be?

I’m thinking about that. What is the BIG accomplishment, miracle or surprise that I would like to happen this year. Right now, I feel like I am sitting by the ocean and the water is so vast, I can’t see any islands in site AND that is what I need, to be able to see at least “one island,” and then I will know my direction.

So, I am OFF to contemplate my BIG WISH!

AND YOU… What is YOUR big wish?  Say it out loud, write it on a paper, or just think of it.  We ALL have different ways of putting out to the Universe what we would like. Do what works for you, but DO IT and let’s see what happens!

2018 – HAPPY NEW YEAR! A new year to accomplish things.

ADB6FBCB-691D-4463-8C27-D5CD5DA4241AI’m excited about moving into 2018! How about you?

How do you sum up 2017:  life changing, goals realized, figuring it out, really tough, adventurous, quiet, magical…?

As I ponder what 2017 meant for me, I am thinking about 2018.

There are 4 quarters in a year. In business, we look at the year, then we break it down into quarters and monthly/weekly/daily goals, so that by the end of the year we are on target for reaching our goals.


Personal lives are the same. We accomplish more if we write down a plan and try to stick to it. Some years I am good at this, some years I have thoughts in my mind of what I want to accomplish, but the thoughts seem to stay there, because…. THAT’S JUST IT, the word “because” holds me back.

So, this year, 2018 is about tackling the word, “because.” It’s time to think like an Olympian enough with the “because.”

Two years ago, my College friend (Dave, Life In A Word) suggested we challenge ourselves and create a Blog. We both enjoy writing. The catch was that we had to commit to Blogging once a week for one year!  We shook hands, no turning back.

Now, two years later, Dave and I can confidentially say, “we are Bloggers.” We didn’t let the word “because” stop us. We committed!

2018 starts tomorrow! I am thinking and planning.

For today, I want to head to the gym, but the word “because (it’s too cold outside)” is already coming to my mind. You see how that word “because” causes problems.


Happy New Year 2017 – Think of the possibilities…

traveler-on-rockOn to 2017! I am excited to start the new year. Of course, there is reflection on 2016… what we accomplished, what we might have missed out on, happy moments, challenging ones, and more.

My biggest challenge was being laid off my job. Very humbling experience. At the same time, I made some great friends from the job where I got laid off!  Life is full of surprises that way. One minute we are sad, the next we are “grateful!”

As we create special goals for 2017, I want to share with you an article from DailyGood.org’s website called, “What Will The Theme of Your Life Be In 2017?, by Kira M. Newman. I found this article interesting, because Newman says that in order to “be happy” our goals must fall into one of three themes (Communion, Agency or Redemption). Basically, our goals are either focused on family/friend/community (Communion), or we are driven to be successful (Agency), OR we have a year where something sad happens, but in the end we turn the situation around (Redemption).

For sure, last year was a Redemption year for me, while this year will be an Agency year. I’m writing a children’s picture book and my goal, like most writers, is to proudly tell you one day soon that I have a contract!

So, if you are a goal setter, take a minute to read Newman’s article and choose your theme for the year!  Where are “you” headed in 2017!