Manufacturing gone wrong…

Here’s something funny for a Friday. Recently, I’ve had two situations of mistakes in the manufacturing process. No kidding, I scratched my head.

First, there is the paper situation. Is one pad for right handed, the other for left handed?

Second, toilet paper, the one on the right wasn’t crushed, the cardboard inside was mangled.

What do you make of this in a short period of time? I guess I’m supposed to get a good chuckle? Like that hidden camera show where they say, “You’ve been Punk’d.” We need to laugh a little, right.

Actually, my twin brother was good at pulling pranks like this. Maybe I was meant to THINK of him!

Happy Friday!

Chicago… Hot dogs… Heinz Ketchup

Did you hear this in the news recently? Chicago and Heinz ketchup at war. Well, not really, but here is what is funny. I live in Chicago and I did not know that Chicagoans look down on people who put ketchup on their hot dogs. Yes, once you turn 18, no more ketchup. You are an adult now (so funny).

Recently, Heinz was in town. They put up a ketchup dispensing billboard outside the Weiner stand, allowing people to get ketchup packets for their hot dogs. I “think” people would be too embarrassed to use ketchup on the hot dog, but would use them on the fries. A funny marketing idea and it gets us thinking about Heinz ketchup – Brilliant!

I started to investigate further. Did you know there is site for “Hot Dog Etiquette,” from the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council. They teach the Dos/Don’ts of hot dog eating. It’s very amusing. Here are a few to make you chuckle, common sense, you’ll enjoy the video.

Don’t eat hot dog on china, always on paper plate. No wine with a hot dog, only beer. No cloth napkin, only paper one. Only 5 bites to eat your hot dog…. WATCH the video for more tips BEFORE coming to Chicago.

So, the BIG question to ALL of you is this…

Do YOU use ketchup on your hot dog? Shhhh… I do, if there are no other condiments around.

Who is DATING out there? GREAT idea for you…

Look what’s been coming to my Junk folder lately. A lot of these dating messages. Obviously, some spammer has my email. Without even opening the messages, I smiled. So, THIS is how it’s done.

Like writing a job resume, crafting an online dating message takes skill. I admit, I don’t have it. Years ago, I tried online dating. I’d last for about 2.5 weeks, realizing there were a lot of strange people out there and I had just wasted 3 months of money!!

The issue was with the profile. First, you need that GREAT photo. Even if it doesn’t look like you, it has to be great. When I say, “even if it doesn’t look like you,” I mean that it sometimes takes zillions of photos to get ONE winner. That winning photo, might not represent who you are on a daily basis; however, it doesn’t matter. For purposes of the profile, it’s a glamour shot. DONE!

Next the profile message. I was never good at this. That’s why I smiled at the dating emails coming to my Junk folder. My message to attract someone was boring. Basically, imagine fishing without any bait. That’s how my dating message was. If you fish without bait, it means you don’t really want a fish.

Now, if you REALLY want to catch the fish, you need good bait. These messages in my Junk folder made me smile. Such fake love messages, but they work! I admit, I was drawn to them. Take the one that says, “Are you ready for some magic and romance mixed together?” Who would say, “NO?”

So, I’m sharing this idea. If you are still dating and having trouble writing your profile. Draw writing inspiration from dating emails you find in your Junk folder.

Guaranteed — You’ll increase your online match results!! 

Marketing is marketing, even in the dating world.

Germany, Customs & Arnold Schwarzenegger, BIG fines over Luxury watch…

Have you seen this in the news? I still don’t understand it completely. Why did Schwarzenegger have to declare the luxury watch. I travel to Europe quite often and I’m never asked to declare anything. Only when I am coming back to America. I don’t think Germany allows for dual citizenship unless that law changed.

Maybe this is because he was going to Auction off the watch in Austria, so then it goes from being a “personal watch” for himself to “selling goods” for profit? So, he had to declare it at the first point of entry into the EU? Someone must have alerted Customs to this.

He had to pay hefty fines: $38,000, including $4,000 tax value and approximately $5,000 penalty. The comedy in this, is that Custom’s credit card machine was not working. So, they brought Schwarzenegger to a bank, which was closed and he could not withdraw enough money due to withdrawal limits.

Curious, the value of the watch was $30,000, so he was paying more than the watch was worth? But then he was going to Auction it starting at 50,000 euros.

Luckily, Schwarzenegger had good humor. His mind immediately went to — GREAT COP MOVIE!

It would be funny to see a movie made out of this situation, with him as the main actor!! Did you know he is 76 years old now. Wow, getting close to 80.

Here is the YouTube video from the Today show.

Great movie idea. I’d go see it!  

Any Jimmy Buffet fans out there?

I received the latest issue of Garden & Gun magazine, December 2023 / January 2024 issue. This is a lovely national magazine focused on the South, ie food, music, sporting events, shopping, vacationing and more. As I am from the North, I enjoy learning about the South.

This particular issue had a focus on Florida travel. Makes sense, temperatures are dropping, it’s getting cold and many of us are dreaming of warm beach weather vacations during or after the holidays.

As I was perusing the magazine, my eye caught the title of a particular article. I pondered this… A chance career opportunity, a friendship changing a surfer and journalist’s life. WHO could this be about? SURFER, could this be about Jimmy Buffet? The cartoony picture had a man with blond hair and flip flops… maybe??

Yes, indeed!! Chris Dixon, the journalist, shares his chance meeting with Buffet and how the friendship evolved. Always under the radar, of course. Dixon pays tribute to Buffet, the friend v.s. the celebrity.

If you were a fan of Jimmy Buffet, you’ll enjoy reading this article and feel a bit of sadness too. Two guys surfing together! And Jimmy was 71, still going at it, no fear of the huge waves! Buffet was ill; but he was still trying to make the most of every moment until the end. A friendship that changed Dixon’s life.

In memory of Jimmy Buffet, we’re toasting you with a margarita this holiday season!

Do you wear slippers?

I’ve been on the hunt for a pair of slippers. The problem, many are heavy, and have an extremely hard plastic bottom that doesn’t bend. Very uncomfortable.

At the store, I saw these pink glamour slippers. They reminded me of Marilyn Monroe. Practical, no! Fun and flirty, YES! I like pink, so was immediately enamored.

Searching online, I found these blue Ugg slippers. My first impression, soft and comfy. My second thought, fashionable. At least, they don’t look like granny slippers… DO THEY?

My Dad was a fanatic about slippers. He didn’t like bare feet or wearing just socks around the house, which he felt cleaned the floor. It’s true. If you don’t believe this, wear a pair of white socks around your house for a day. You will need a ton, and I do mean a ton, of bleach to make them white again.

I’m curious. How many of you wear slippers? If you do, what is your criteria for them.

Sardinia, Italy — Get paid to LIVE on the Island?

I know, you are thinking what I thought. What’s the catch? We need more specifics. Sardinia is the second largest Island (after Sicily) in the Mediterranean Sea. The Island is in green on the map.

When I was there a few years ago, there were not many American tourists. Mainly they were British and German. Also, I noticed that the Sardinians look very Spanish. They speak Sardo, not Italian. I mean, it’s Italian, but the dialect is very very different. In fact, if you read the history of the Island, through the wars, they have a strong Spanish influence.

Fast forward to now. The Sardinian Government wants to attract young people to remote areas of the Island. Goal – increase population and economic fabric of those towns. Small towns, less than 3,000 people, are in decline. People have been moving to bigger cities.

SOLUTION: Offer a grant of €15,000 to attract young people to those small towns. The grant amount must be used toward the purchase / refurbishment of a house, not to exceed half the cost of the house.

The grant is a non-repayable grant. I wonder, is a time limit for “trying” this process out? Living in a small town of 3,000 might seem claustrophobic if you came from a big city.

BIGGEST QUESTION, will Wifi work? Also, if these are small towns, I would imagine they want people who can own shops, work the land, etc. Are they open to remote technology workers?

The Sardinian Government is devoting a total of €45 million for this project; there will be enough for at least 3,000 new inhabitants.

Now, if Sardinia is not appealing, I was reading that Spain and Scotland are offering similar programs.

Time to open a map of the world — throw a dart — see where life takes us.

TA-DA –> The Kodiak breakfast!

Well, it’s Sunday, I decided to make waffles. I wrote about the Kodiak Cake brand mix the other day. Today I used the buttermilk and chocolate mix. Why not be adventurous. I topped my waffles with blueberries and raspberries that I picked in Michigan this summer and froze for winter. By the way, frozen raspberries are quite the treat. They change color and become darker once frozen, but the flavor is still there. I added some maple syrup. It’s the PERFECT breakfast!

My friend is in France…. she’s probably eating a wonderful croissant right now!

Wondering what YOU are having!

Diners… American Breakfast – the BEST!

This past weekend, I was in the mood for a “real breakfast.” I mean a little bit of everything. There is something wonderful about going to a diner, they still have that old fashioned feel. Simple and full of choices.

When I got there I knew exactly what I wanted. Although, if I go to The Original Pancake House in California, I like to order the 49er pancakes, they are huge and bit chewy – wonderful! They are probably crepes, just made larger.

Back to my diner experience, I went for the usual… scrambled eggs well done (my mother used to make them so runny, I could not eat them), bacon or sausage, toast and pancakes. I KNOW, this is why they say Americans are fat. So true, this meal is really for two people, I could not eat it all. Mainly, I like the variety. So, too bad they can’t offer one egg, one slice of bacon/sausage, one slice of toast and two small pancakes, right! Anyhow, I wasn’t going to complain, this is what I wanted.

Oh, when I got to the diner, there was a line. So, I put my name on the waiting list. To keep myself busy, I got the menu. Laughing, everyone is line was eyeing each other. I mean, what else do you do, when you are waiting, right.

There was a man next to me, it appeared he was with his wife. He decided to be flirty. I wasn’t too keen on that. His wife looked grumpy. He asked me HOW I got the menu. REALLY – the menus were on the counter in front of us. To try and shooooo him away, I said, “There they are, but here you can have mine, I’m done with it.”

To which he said, “So, what are you going to order?” He leaned into me like an eager puppy to look at menu with me.

WHAT??? Wasn’t that his wife next to him??

This guy was an expert at trying to pick someone up. I didn’t like it!

So, I politely looked at his female companion, smiled, said I had not decided AND moved away.

I HOPE that wasn’t his wife. Awful to have a husband like that.

GOOD NEWS – they did not seat me next to them. Thank goodness or my dining experience would have been ruined.

Instead, I was next to a family with a little girl who was loud and super talkative. She must have been two years old. Then another family across from me. The little boy kept talking about coloring his monsters, looked like he had a coloring book.

So, I had a delightful dining experience!

Decorating – Outdoor Furniture

I went to the store to look for a small carpet to put under my bed. As I entered the store, I got the biggest SURPRISE. Look at this piece of outdoor furniture. It’s wonderful. I felt like I was suddenly on vacation in India or Thailand. It’s so unusual. I’m thinking it was a display model somewhere.

As I kept walking, another big surprise. I found this Cabana. I went from Asia to a resort in Hawaii. Outdoor furniture is getting fancy and luxurious. I’ve always wanted to fall asleep under the stars. Now, of course, there is the issue of mosquitos…

Guess what, this Cabana was manufactured in Poland by Rondo. They make furniture for restaurants, hotels, patio areas, etc. It’s very high end and durable, as you can see.

This was a fun shopping day. Ok, I didn’t find the carpet I wanted; however, I left smiling. These are beautiful pieces of furniture compared to my tiny umbrella and little beach chair. Ah, they will have to make due UNTIL I can go on that official tropical vacation.

A margarita is still calling me…