Technology… and parents

I saw this picture and thought of my parents. I am their new Tech guy.

I haven’t seen my parents for a few months, because of COVID. They are in their 80s, we’ve been vaccinated, so time for a visit.

I got to the door expecting a hug, so good to see you. Instead, I got a “Cheecholino (An Italian endearment, like darling. I spelled it like it sounds.), we NEED your help! This is an emergency. Netflix isn’t working! If you can fix Netflix, your father will say you are a HERO!”

My mother is very clever in her word usage. Build the ego up, and use my father as the one who wants Netflix working. So, I am put into childhood mode, this is a HIGH PRIORITY situation. YOUR FATHER WANTS THIS DONE. Hahaha…

No offer of tea or coffee. I was marched into the TV room, handed the TV remote. The idea here was this, while I just arrived — I would not be allowed to leave UNLESS I got Netflix to work. So, get THIS done, before I would be offered a refreshment.

My mother proceeded to tell me the password wasn’t working. They called Xfinity to reset password, again not working.

Here is what is amusing… As I was trying to type in password, my mother became a back seat driver. No, type like this — NO, this is a capital —- NO, NO, NO.

Getting a bit frustrated, I said if she needed help, she needed to let me do MY JOB!

Anyhow…. I did get Netflix working. I am a HERO.

However, just when I thought ALL WAS GOOD. My Dad tells me he’s lost all of his email contacts.

Guess what I will be doing next…. BUT this time, tea first! We know how long these tech projects can take. If my Dad is a back seat driver too, then I might need to SPIKE my tea!!

Ah – I need to be like the guy in photo – SERVICE WITH A SMILE!

10 thoughts on “Technology… and parents

  1. Hi Monica,
    I couldn’t help but smile reading this.
    Yes, you are indeed a hero for getting Netflix working again. I couldn’t live without Netflix either lol
    I wait for the update on the email contacts…
    Wishing you a blessed weekend! ♥♥

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree with this comment – we couldn’t live without our Netflix either (thanks, COVID), so we couldn’t access our service, we’d have at least a moment or two of “what do we do NOW?”. You might consider advertising your “tech guy” services. People will pay big money for that to which they’ve become addicted 🙂

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  2. I’ve trained my parents to call my daughter….I’m too busy helping my husband…(just finished replacing ink cartridge so he can print something) hero….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah… I thought I was done, but my Mom likes the MHz channel. Do you know it? They have European shows, usually mysteries. Well, my Dad signed up for the channel through Amazon Prime, but she can’t get it to work. It’s REALLY nice. Take a look, at HOME page, scroll down to see all the fabulous shows.

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