Halloween Birthdays! Gift idea: Liquid Death?

What do you think? You have a friend whose birthday is on Halloween. Would they appreciate receiving a case of Liquid Death on their doorstep? SURPRISE, HaPpy BiRtHdAy — THINKing of YOU?!

The name itself conjures up some scary thoughts. Then to find out it’s a Sparkling Water out of Austria. So, good quality, scary name — ALL YEAR ROUND.

Take a look, they have some interesting names for their flavored sparkling water.

How far does humor go? Would it be appropriate to go visit your grandparents drinking a can of Liquid Death? Give a can of Liquid Death to someone who is going to climb a mountain or off to fight in the war? How about giving a can to a Priest before Sunday mass to quench his thirst. So many inappropriate scenarios for NOT giving Liquid Death to someone.

Obviously, the founder thought this was funny and others did too, because the company is valued at 525 Million. They have a good following.

Have you heard of Liquid Death or tried it?

Wondering, is this here to stay or a fad?

Happy Halloween Birthday — You know who you are!

I was visiting a friend, we went walking and saw FUN Halloween decorations! Some houses were really creative. It makes walking more interesting.

GUESS WHAT — I have a friend whose birthday is on Halloween!

So, a BIG SHOUT OUT TO Maura. If she’s reading, she’ll know I’m thinking about her.


And if YOUR birthday is on Halloween… Happy Birthday to YOU too!

Halloween – How do YOU write your SPOOKY story?

A spooky typewriter. I LOVE this! I’m sad it’s not real!!

When I saw it, I immediately thought how perfect it was. In fact, as it has a page in it already, I thought of this old dusty piano my grandfather had that played music by itself. This would be similar.

Imagine you get up in the morning, depending on the keys you hit, the typewriter starts typing! You sit with your coffee, feet kicked up on the desk, reading the newspaper. What a glorious morning. Typewriter makes a cackling sound when story is done. You rip off the pages. THEN – Off to the editor!

My girlfriend’s birthday is on Halloween. She’s been doing research on her Irish family. They have some haunted cemeteries there. She could use this typewriter to RECORD family history. What do you think?

I HAVE SOMETHING BETTER. Although, if she survived the heart attack on opening the birthday box, I’m not sure we would still be friends. Imagine my fright, when I was “innocently” looking at Halloween stuff, turned TOO QUICKLY and saw this boa constrictor.

Oh my gosh — I DID JUMP BACK!! Realized it was a FAKE, then said a few… well, BAD WORDS!!

So, I decided neither of these were quite right.

The search continues… I did see a HUGE purple spider in someone’s yard. It had googly eyes. FUNNY!

I enjoy seeing the decorations. Some people go ALL OUT with their Halloween decorations & costumes.

Writing prompts — Halloween

I was out walking this weekend enjoying the Halloween decorations people put up. I smiled when I saw this witch who hit the tree.

Writing prompts / story ideas came to mind:

  • New witch learning to fly…
  • Witch couldn’t take the media / politics anymore.
  • No trick or treating?
  • COVID — I’m done!
  • Travel ban – no where to go.
  • Quarantine – stayed home so long, forgot to fly.
  • This is the worst Halloween ever.
  • Who spiked the brownies?
  • Too dark, no full moon – splat!

I’m sure this photo sparks your own Halloween ideas.

Be inspired — start writing!

Halloween Birthdays!

Happy Birthday MauraI‘m dedicating this post to my College roommate whose birthday is on Halloween!  Yes, I am doing this to make up for the years I forgot to wish her a Happy Birthday.

How could I forget a Halloween birthday…? It happens!

But not this year! I’ve got a black cat for you.

So, Maura, if you’re reading this post, I hope you are smiling. 

Thanks to YouTube for the Happy in Dublin video!

Have a FANTASTIC birthday this Saturday!!  Celebrate Irish style in a Pub and start dancing the jig!